Chattogram's Profile

Age: 57

City: Chattogram

State/Province: Chittagong Division

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Widowed/Annulled

Profile Rating: 3/5

Looking for a beautiful bride. Modern but have Bengali Culture. Full of sense of humor, happy, full of life. When she walks in a room or in a crowd, everybody is happy to see her. Everybody turns their heads and asks, “Who is she?” Everybody wants to be her friend. And she tries to be everybody’s friend. I know I'm asking for too much, but I gotta try to find that person.

And what can I say about me, I am a big kid stuck in an adult body. I am all of the above.

I apologize to all the parents for all my above proposal/statements who will be reading these lines.