Bushra's Profile

Age: 36

City: Doha

State/Province: Doha Municipality

Country: Qatar

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Other/Self Employed

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

I was brought up in Qatar and consider it to be my hometown. I am a simple person who likes to think critically. Some traits I value above all are respect for others, honesty, a sense of humour and openmindedness. I am family-oriented, but I also enjoy spending time with friends. I wear Hijab by personal choice and am a practising Muslim – Alhamdullilah. Reading is my passion, and I enjoy crochet or any creative pastime. I love good food and good coffee/ chai. I am constantly trying to improve my relationship with Allah, and it's an ongoing process. I am an introvert, but I appreciate quality time with friends and family