Ahmedrkb05's Profile

Age: 25

City: Brentford

State/Province: Greater London

Country: United Kingdom

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Engineering/Architecture

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 2.5/5


My name is Rakib, and I am delighted to introduce myself. I am a 25-year-old professional residing in the UK for the past five years. My journey here began with the pursuit of higher education, culminating in the successful completion of my Bachelor's degree from a prestigious UK university. This academic achievement has paved the way for my current role, where I work in a field closely related to my studies, earning a handsome salary that provides both stability and comfort.

In addition to my professional life, I take pride in being a person of strong religious values. My faith is an integral part of who I am, guiding my actions and decisions in both personal and professional spheres. It brings balance to my life and ensures that I remain grounded, ethical, and compassionate.

Living in the UK has enriched my life with diverse experiences and a broad perspective. I enjoy exploring new cultures, cuisines, and places, which has made me adaptable and open-minded. This multicultural exposure has also enhanced my ability to connect with people from various backgrounds, fostering a deep sense of respect and understanding.

Described by friends and family as warm, kind-hearted, and reliable, I am someone who values honesty, integrity, and mutual respect in all relationships. I believe in the importance of communication and partnership, and I am looking for someone who shares similar values and aspirations.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, staying active through sports and outdoor activities, and spending quality time with loved ones. I am seeking a life partner who is equally committed to building a harmonious and fulfilling future together. Someone who values faith, family, and personal growth, and who is ready to embark on this beautiful journey of life and love with me.

If you resonate with my profile and feel we could be a good match, I would be thrilled to connect and explore the possibilities together. Thank you for taking the time to learn about me.