Ziaaziz74's Profile

Age: 50

City: Karachi

State/Province: Sindh

Country: Pakistan

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Accounting/Finance

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

My Zia Nisar Aziz; my late Father Name Nisar Ahmed Ansari, Cast is Ansari; my height is 5.10 Qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce;

Occupation: Banker working as State Bank Reporting Unit, Finance Division, Central Office, Soneri Bank Limited, Karachi - Pakistan. I am Sunni Muslim adult. I have two brothers and no sisters. We have joint family system. We live in the poush area of Karachi Defence Housing authority our own home. I pray five times Salaah and I do not drink Alchol nor smoke cigarettes. I consider myself not extreme religious but I am Sufi Muslim. I belong to Ahle Sunnah wal Jama family.

I require a suitable girl for marriage having sincerity, Dedication, knowing cultural values, caring, loving, must have knowledge about Sufism, open hearted person and open minded person in terms of act towards goodnesses and she must be practicing Sunni Muslim lady. I have no issue if she is working woman business or Job.