Yousuf's Profile

Age: 33

City: Khulna

State/Province: Khulna Division

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Teacher/Lecturer

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello there! I'm a laid-back individual who enjoys the occasional social event, but I'm equally content with quiet nights in. I'm quite open-minded when it comes to my future partner's profession - it's the person that matters to me, not the job title they hold.

I thrive in the hustle and bustle of city life, and I'm looking for someone who shares my love for the urban landscape. Personality-wise, I don't have a specific type in mind. I believe that every person is unique and brings their own special flavor to a relationship.

When I'm not exploring the city, you can find me traveling to new places, immersed in a captivating book, or partaking in a little friendly competition in sports or games. I find these activities the perfect way to unwind and relax.

As for food, I'm not picky. I enjoy trying out different cuisines and savoring the diverse flavors they bring.

I don't have a specific memorable life-changing experi