Susmoypk's Profile

Age: 24

City: Bogura

State/Province: Rajshahi Division

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Hindu

Career: Doctor/Medical Officer

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Profile Introduction:

Hello there! I'm a proud student who believes in the power of continuous learning and trying new tasks. I find joy in creativity, whether it's through my hobbies of creative work and home decor, or unwinding with a good game.

I'm seeking a partner who's involved in the corporate world, someone who's ambitious and knows their way around a spreadsheet. But, it's not all about work. I appreciate someone who can balance their professional life with personal time, someone who's an ambivert like me.

Physical appearance is important to me, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. I believe in the importance of a well-rounded personality and mutual respect.

My ideal living situation would be somewhere rural, somewhere peaceful, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. One of my dream vacations would be a quiet getaway by the river, surrounded by nature.

Lastly, I want to mention that communication is key to me. I believe in the importance of sharing and listening in a relationship. Let's explore new tasks together, learn from each other, and create a meaningful connection.

(Note: It seems like you've mentioned there is something important you would like to add, but haven't provided any additional information. Feel free to update your profile with any significant details you'd like to share.)