Subhajitroy018's Profile

Age: 30

City: Calcutta

State/Province: West Bengal

Country: India

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Hindu

Career: Software Eng/Computer

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hi, this is Subhajit. I come from a simple upper-middle-class nuclear Bengali, Kayastha family. I have completed my MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Udaipur after my B.Tech from WBUT. Currently, I work as a Consultant in Accenture Bengaluru and stay in Bengaluru, but my hometown is in Kolkata. To describe myself, I am a very kind-hearted, simple, peace-loving, and down-to-earth person with a great sense of humor. I try to lead life in simple terms and find joy in the simple things life has to offer. In my free time, I enjoy surfing the internet, watching or playing sports, watching movies, and spending some quality time with family and a few close-knit friends. I am also a big foodie and enjoy traveling during holidays. This profile is handled both by me and my mother.