Sojibkhan123's Profile

Age: 32

City: Roma

State/Province: Lazio

Country: Italy

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Other/Self Employed

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Personal details removed to protect privacy.

Marital Status: Never Married
Height: 5'8"
Nationality: Bangladesh
Live in Italy.

Father: Ex Businessman
Mother: Housewife
1 young brother and 1 young sister

BBS 2011 (Not Completed)
Sreenagar College
H.S.C – 2010 Dhaka Board
GPA – 3.50
S.S.C – 2008
GPA: 4.70

Partner Preferences:
Age: Not more than 30
Education: Good study background
Height: Compatible with his height
Location: Any
Religion: Islam Sunni and must be settled in Europe region.