Sherajulislam96's Profile

Age: 27

City: Savar

State/Province: Dhaka

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Ask me later

Religion: Islam

Career: Engineering/Architecture

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello there! Thanks for checking out my profile. My name is Sirajul Islam and I'm a garment mechanical engineer. I've completed both my secondary and higher secondary education, and I'm excited to see where life takes me next.

In my free time, I enjoy staying active and exploring new places. Whether it's hiking through a nearby trail or trying out a new restaurant in town, I'm always up for an adventure. I also enjoy reading and watching movies, especially if they're science fiction or action-packed.

As for what I'm looking for, I'm hoping to meet someone who shares similar interests and values. Someone who is kind, honest, and passionate about life. Bonus points if you're also a fan of sci-fi movies!

If you're interested in getting to know me better, don't hesitate to send me a message. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!