Selinapervin123's Profile

Age: 50

City: Dacca

State/Province: Dhaka

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Banking/Insurance

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

Posting in behalf of one of my aunts

????About Bride -

Name : Selina
Birth year: 1974
Height: 4 feet 11
Martial status :Short Divorce (no kids).
Profession : Team Leader at a financial institution
Religious : Islam
Current Address : Dhaka
Educational background : M.A from govt azizul
Hoque college - year 2000
B.A from govt azizul Hoque college- year 1994

????Family Background :
Bride’s parents have passed away. Siblings are well established in respected positions.

????Bride is a practicing Muslim and a easy going person. The bride went through short divorce almost 20 years ago. But now she is considering settling down in a family. She is not willing to relocate outside of Dhaka
Expectations of groom:
Practicing Muslim who is non smoker
bride is willing to accept husband with kids.
The groom is living on halal income
Must hold atleast a bachelors degree