Salbilrahman's Profile

Age: 29

City: Dacca

State/Province: Dhaka

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Associates degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Student

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 5/5

Salsabil Rahman

Salsabil is a kind hearted person with strong Islamic Values. She is very family oriented and a very ethical person. Our family is looking for a like minded groom with strong Islamic values.

Hobbies: Swimming, Reading, Creative Writing
Religion: Practicing Sunni Muslim

• Permanent address: Gulshan-1, Dhaka,Bangladesh
• Hometown: Shirajganj

• Associate of Business Administration, University of the People, CA, 2020- Present

Father: Al- Hajj Shafi Rahman
• Property Manager
Mother: Fauzia Rahman
• Housewife
Sister: Navila Alim
• Electrical Engineer II, Dallas, Texas
Brother-in-law: Arman Alim
• Director of Sales and Operations Planning, Dallas, Texas