Sadhana96's Profile
Age: 38
City: Dacca
State/Province: Dhaka
Country: Bangladesh
Education: Masters degree
Religion: Islam
Career: Government/Department
Marital Status: Never Married
Profile Rating: 5/5
Age: 38
City: Dacca
State/Province: Dhaka
Country: Bangladesh
Education: Masters degree
Religion: Islam
Career: Government/Department
Marital Status: Never Married
Profile Rating: 5/5
What to be a pure relationship which one will make a marriage. Need a honest and gentle person. Who knows manner and giving respect a girl. Even don’t ask my personal number and social media account. If I like you or if I see my mentality and you mentality almost 80% are same. I will give you no need to asking me. Even who can take a responsibility I mean a responsible person.
If I get and I do like him I will take with me a UK.
My situation in the mean time I do work in __ airlines. And I will tell him if I get a gentle and responsible person.
Hate: I do hate a dishonest, liar person even who can’t trust or who always think like a negative way please don’t knock or poke me.