Rumana12's Profile

Age: 33

City: Dacca

State/Province: Dhaka

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Banking/Insurance

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 4.42/5

I’m Rumana, born and brought up in Dhaka . I’m the youngest child of my parents. We are two sister and one brother. Both my siblings are happily married ( Alhamdulliah). My parents are retired, currently I’m living with them.

About me : I did my Bachelor in civil engineering from a Private University & MBA from Dhaka University. I worked for a multinational bank for five years. Currently took a break and looking for better job opportunities.

I’m family oriented, religious ( pray five times a day), moderate dress up. I like to read & swim .

I’m looking for a educated , family oriented person from middle-class family background. I am open minded and ready to share my journey with a loving person.