Mohammadashraf54's Profile

Age: 70

City: Mumbai

State/Province: Maharashtra

Country: India

Education: High school

Religion: Islam

Career: Retired/Charity

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

Due to great faith in Supreme Allah n Prophet Muhammad I have been converted to Islam religion. Prior to my conversion I was known as Venkatsubra, aged 68 yrs, married. I hv settled down in Mumbai. I would like to emphasize that since I like muslim brothers and sisters I hv been converted to Islam religion. I hv got an unthinkable attachment with muslim brothers and sisters which I can't express by words only my conscience know this perspective.

My partner should be sunni muslim bride aged abv 60 yrs n abv 65 kgs from bangladesh Saudi Arabia Kuwait Malaysia, Qatar, Sharjah n Singapore. After marriage I wish to relocate my partner's(wife's) country. Having politeness simplicity honesty n straight forward approach. Effective communication in english language n hence I can easily get an excellent job by which we can live peacefully n happily till world ends. Am on the lookout for an excellent job.

Am very much confident that within two weeks I can have an excellent job on the strength of my efficiency and communication skills. I will put my entire efforts n energy to make very much happy of my beloved wife. Am very much keen to see my wife in beautiful silk sarees than any other dresses.

This doesn't mean she cannot wear other dresses. I always like to see my wife will be very much happy n hence she will have all sorts of transparency from my side in order to make her very much happy. From my profile my future wife will realise that my prime intention is my wife will not face even any sorts of misery instead she would have extreme happiness without any hassles.