Jhossain's Profile

Age: 37

City: Helsinki

State/Province: Etela-Suomen Laani

Country: Finland

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

Assalamu Alaikum! Living in Finland since 2018. Currently on Entrepreneurs Residence Permit.

Coming from an upper middle class family. Younger brother, married, working as an Executive Engineer in Italy (PR). Sister, married, is business graduate.

We maintain a moderate religious values. Everyone in my family are practitioner. I am the only one in my family still trying to improve my religious practices better everyday.

Personally I am a person down to earth, believe in simple lifestyle. Not high-ambitious. Love to smile. Happy soul.

Though Allah has already set her for me, still I expecting her to be soft-spoken, kind, not arrogant, understanding, supportive, easygoing and so on.

Most importantly she is expected to be peaceful!!

Wish you all find your perfect match.
