Firoz82's Profile

Age: 42

City: Toronto

State/Province: Ontario

Country: Canada

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Banking/Insurance

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello there! I'm a social butterfly who enjoys the buzz of social events and gatherings. My curiosity always has me trying new foods and exploring different cultures through travel. My love for adventure doesn't stop at food and travel, I'm also keen to challenge myself with learning to play the guitar. I'm an avid fan of a diverse range of music, from Bengali and Hindi to English tunes. I find joy and relaxation in my top three hobbies - golf, fishing, and a good BBQ with friends. Education is a valuable asset to me, and I appreciate a partner who recognises its importance. Similarly, shared religious or spiritual beliefs are somewhat important to me, but I am open to understanding and learning about different perspectives. I'm a bit of a globetrotter, and the thought of possibly migrating to another country isn't off the table for me - it all depends on where life takes me. Looking forward to exploring new chapters with a like-minded individual. Let's create a symphony together!