Farzanaa's Profile

Age: 27

City: Chuadanga

State/Province: Khulna Division

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Doctor/Medical Officer

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 5/5

I am from Chuadanga, Bangladesh. I completed my Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) at Marks Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, in 2020. In 2022, I successfully completed my Postgraduate Training (PGT). Currently, I am pursuing my FCPS Part I.

Height: 5'2''
Religion: Islam

My brother is a businessman based in Chuadanga, while my elder sister, a dentist, resides in Australia with her husband. My mother is a homemaker, and my late father was also a businessman.

I am looking for someone who is educated, responsible, Islamic-minded, and a non-smoker.

This profile is managed by my sister and brother-in-law, who are Australian citizens currently residing in Perth, Western Australia.