Arifakhanam's Profile

Age: 27

City: Magura

State/Province: Khulna Division

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Student

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello there, lovely souls! I'm on a serious quest here, hunting for a meaningful, lifetime connection that leads to marriage. I am open-minded and don't have a specific preference for my partner's occupation; after all, love knows no boundaries. However, sharing my religious and spiritual beliefs with my significant other is valuable to me as it forms the core of our bond.

While physical appearance plays a role, it's the authenticity of the person that truly captivates me. I'm an adventurous spirit with a soft spot for Greece, its beauty, and its culture. I'm always up for a trip to this magnificent place and would love to have someone by my side to enjoy the breathtaking views.

I'm an enthusiastic learner and have always wanted to try dancing. I believe it's a language of love that brings people closer. I'm proud of my journey to independence; it has shaped me into the person I am today - strong, resilient, and self-reliant.

When I'm not dreaming about Greek sunsets or dancing, you'll find me immersed in a good book, traveling to a new destination or simply savoring some quiet, relaxing time. I believe that these interests make life more enjoyable and I'd love to share these moments with someone special.

I'm looking forward to meeting someone who appreciates these aspects of my life and is keen on building a future together. Let's start our journey together to forever!