Amittalukder's Profile

Age: 33

City: Chattogram

State/Province: Chittagong Division

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Buddhist

Career: Engineering/Architecture

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello there!

I'm on here with a serious intention, looking forward to receiving a marriage proposal. I believe love transcends all boundaries, so religious or spiritual beliefs are not important to me. As for physical appearance, it's the person inside that matters most to me.

My ideal living situation? Well, I'm pretty adaptable and open-minded, so I have no specific preference. I'm all about embracing whatever life throws at me!

Although I may not have a specific travel destination or dream vacation spot, I do have a strong affinity for Cricket and Football. Perhaps we could catch a game together sometime?

My interests range from the melodious tunes of soft music to exploring new places and immersing myself in the captivating world of cinema. You'll often find me humming a tune, planning my next adventure, or lost in a good movie.

While I may not have a single life-changing or memorable experience to share, it doesn't mean my life hasn't been an exciting journey so far. And who knows? Perhaps our meeting could be my next unforgettable experience.

I can't wait to get to know you better, and hopefully, we can create some beautiful memories together. Let's start our journey here, shall we?

(NB: Please provide more specific and appropriate answers to some questions like 'Favorite travel destinations' and 'Life-changing experiences' to enhance the appeal of your profile)